News from the Executive Committee!
Read the comments from Member-at-Large Pete Stinson at the end of this newsletter!
Thanks, Pete for your many years of service to DVVC!
Memorial Day Events Continue
Drexel University conducted their 10th Annual Memorial Day Primer on May 27th, with a moving tribute to members of the Veteran community lost this past year (recording is here).
They also shared an open invitation to attend the Memorial Day event in Powelton Village on Monday, May 31st, at 11 a.m., at the Cochran Triangle – intersection of Lancaster and Powelton Avenues, and North 37 Street. See last year’s LinkedIn article here.
The Ancient Order of Hibernians are hosting their annual Mass on Sunday, May 30th at noon, at the Chapel of Four Chaplains to honor all those of Irish descent who died in any conflict, in any branch of the U.S. Military. All are welcome. 1201 Constitution Ave, The Navy Yard.
Register now for the Town Hall meeting:
LGBTQ Issues in the Veteran Space: A Discussion with Subject Matter Experts
DVVC invites you to attend a Town Hall meeting on June 2, 2021, from 3 to 4:15 p.m. on Zoom to discuss this important topic with experts in the field.
Presenters will include:
- Kristin Beck, known to be the first female Navy SEAL, founder and president of Mindful Valor, a non-profit working with nontraditional methods to relieve trauma
- Ashton Stewart, manager of the SAGEVets program in New York, working to increase the profile of issues faced by older LGBT veterans
- Donald Gallagher, social work supervisor for the inpatient medicine team and facility-wide LGBT Veteran Care Coordinator at the Cpl. Michael J. Crescenz VA Medical Center.
Register here. Event is free and open to all in the community who are interested.
See our new and updated WEBSITE!
With huge thanks to our partner, Tom Knoble of Pig Art Graphics, the new site at offers additional content such as our History (under About) and expanded information about Membership, as well as an improved Directory with Search functions. The Member Portal in development will offer space for posting messages to other member organizations, making referrals and more.
Focus on LinkedIn, Clubhouse, Resumes, Interviewing, Career & more in June!
A Small Sampling of Philadelphia Area Great Careers Group Career Info & Events
Any meeting with a $5 fee is free for unemployed veterans by arranging with Lynne in advance that you want to attend – [email protected].
- Clubhouse Job Seeker Power Hour with Lynne Williams every Friday, 11 a.m. to 12 noon. You must be on Clubhouse to participate.
- Tues 6/1 – The Bot is Ready to Interview You Now with Alex Freund – 9 to 11 a.m.
- Thurs 6/3 – Career Development – Can I take a test that will tell me what to do with my life? with Melanie Mitchell-Wexler – 9 to 11 a.m.
- Thurs 6/8 – How to Find a Career Path You Love with Alex Resnick – 9 to 11 a.m.
- Wed 6/9 – LinkedIn for Winners: Be Found & Contacted by Recruiters with Susan Joyce – 6 to 7:30 p.m. (Note: Susan is a USMC Veteran!)
- Thurs 6/10 – The Future of Resumes with Louise Polis – 9 to 11 a.m.
- Mon 6/14 – Steps to boldly tell your story on LinkedIn with Clarene Mitchell – 6 to 8 p.m.
- Sat 6/19 – LinkedIn Part 1 of 3 with Lynne Williams – 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
- Tues 6/22 – How to Succeed at Jobs That Don’t Exist Yet with Christopher Bishop – 9 to 11 a.m.
- Thurs 6/24 – Create a Modern Resume That Generates Results with Annette Richmond – 6 to 8 p.m. (chapter leader Doug Amlin is a USMC Veteran)
- Mon 6/28 – Confidence & Mindset in Your Job Search with Melanie Mitchell-Wexler – 9 to 11 a.m.
Registration links are at
Greater Philadelphia Veterans Network Develops Professionals in Business
Veteran Business Referral Network Regular Meeting – Wednesday, June 16, 8 a.m.
VBRN connects veterans so they can help each other thrive in their businesses. Get involved with other passionate and motivated veterans committed to sharing prospects and helping each other’s businesses grow and flourish. Register here.
And check out the recording from the April event, with guest speaker Dr. Maris Porges, Navy Veteran and Head of the Baldwin School. See it on YouTube here (start at the 15min mark).
New Features on the Veterans Legacy Memorial Site
New, more interactive features have been added to the VLM, including the ability for users to upload images and documents, share a military service timeline and achievements, biographical information and more. VLM users can now “Follow a Veteran” to receive email alerts when new content is added. Over this Memorial Day weekend and beyond, the VA invites you to use the Veterans Legacy Memorial to find your Veteran and share your memories.
Upcoming VA Virtual Events
VA Engagement with CVEB Partners – Monday, June 14, 7 p.m.
VA has been conducting virtual public listening sessions with Veterans and stakeholders across the country as VA designs the health care system of the future, with a focus on Community Veteran Engagement Boards such as DVVC and its member organizations.
Recently added listening sessions include evening sessions in different time zones during the week of June 14, with a session in Spanish scheduled for June 2, 2021 at 6 p.m. EDT.
The additional sessions are intended to ensure a greater number of Veterans can share their perspectives and insights. The feedback received through the local sessions to date has been valuable, and VA looks forward to continuing robust engagement with Veterans and stakeholders. DVVC member organization representatives who have not yet joined a virtual listening session are invited to attend. Please share this information with any others who may be interested.
For information and to register, visit
This newsletter serves DVVC member organizations by providing information to share with Veterans. Member organizations can also use our LinkedIn group, and Facebook page,, to get the word out! Let us know how we can help!
News from the Executive Committee June 2021
Dear friends,
In serving my second term on the Executive Committee for Delaware Valley Veterans Consortium, I have taken some time to reflect. Many of you know that my career transitioned this year and, with my new role serving Seniors in the Harleysville and Lansdale areas of Montgomery County PA, I have decided not to run for re-election when my term expires in October. It has been an honor to serve military and veteran families for 10 years in my career and to be part of DVVC’s history as a member organization representative and on the Executive Committee.
I can recall how DVVC began. About seven years ago, the American Red Cross brought many of us together in Center City to discuss creating a network of military- and veteran-serving organizations throughout the Delaware Valley. This meeting ignited ideas from many representatives and this entity slowly became independent of the American Red Cross. Delaware Valley Veterans Consortium was born.
In the years that have followed, I have been proud to be part of the success of DVVC. Everyone who serves in the Executive Committee does so on a volunteer basis because they want to see all the great local resources leveraged in a way to best serve our military and veteran families together. Accomplishments include growing and maintaining thriving committees amongst the member organizations, quarterly programs, networking, education on issues and resources, reporting local veteran news, staying on top of veteran legislation, and working with officials at all levels of government. Last year, DVVC was able to pivot to offer virtual programming and added “Town Halls” between quarterly meetings.
DVVC’s success comes down to the very active role that member organizations play and the great leadership team that I have been proud to be part of. Everyone goes above and beyond the normal duties of their day jobs to bring experience, organizational resources, and their passion in making the Philadelphia and South Jersey areas a welcoming home for military personnel, veterans, and their families to thrive.
I have been proud to see DVVC evolve, to be part of the Executive Committee, and to have gotten to know all the people who have poured their hearts into making it the successful organization that it is today.
With thanks and warmest wishes for the future,
Pete Stinson
Executive Director,
Greater Harleysville and North Penn Senior Services
[email protected], 215-256-6900, ext. 201